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Change of address for the BPA
In order to provide an efficient and cost effective service to its members, the BPA’s secretariat has undergone restructuring in the last few months and this includes a division in staff locations and a move from the Aylesbury office.
For queries regarding all aspects of membership including new applications and technical support, contact Julie James at: Grove House, 33 Ashgrove, Steeple Claydon, Bucks MK18 2LW. Telephone: 0845 456 9570.
Robert Anslow, managing director; Adrian Sneyd, event organiser and UKTi TAP funding representative; plus all account queries should be directed to: Alpha House, 9 Tipton Street, Sedgley, DY3 1HE. Telephone: 01902 882280 or 01902 880906.
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