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Trade Shows

More exhibitors and quality visitors


More exhibitors and quality visitors
More exhibitors and quality visitors
More exhibitors and quality visitors

The doors to Harrogate Nursery Fair closed on a hugely positive note last week with both exhibitors and visitors reporting an excellent show all round.

Held at the Harrogate International Centre for the 42nd consecutive year, Harrogate remains the UK’s favourite nursery trade show for both exhibitors and visitors with a record number attending the event this year.

Many exhibitors commented on the professional, yet friendly approach of the organising team which offers a high level of support, particularly to new exhibitors ensuring a relatively stress free exhibiting experience. Also, apart from the obvious business networking opportunities, another major attraction is the beautiful North Yorkshire location and the chance to experience the historic sights of Harrogate.

Adrian Sneyd, event organiser for Harrogate Nursery Fair, said: “We are delighted with the turnout for Harrogate Nursery Fair this year and not only had more exhibitors than ever before, but a significant increase in quality buyers; our visitor numbers were up on last year also, particularly from overseas. There were  problems with the train service further south due to theft of cables and we know this affected some of our exhibitors getting to the show on Saturday to set up, so the increase in visitors was a real positive and proves that Harrogate is still the premier destination that people want to make that extra effort to attend!”

 “Almost all of the exhibitors we have spoken to have reported a successful show, but exhibitors in Hall Q appeared particularly pleased with the quality of visitors, with Claire Mitchell of Chillipeeps announcing her delight at orders taken during the event; and Daniel Kobryner from Kiddy advising that despite booking quite late and having some reservations on their location they had an excellent show; it goes to prove that no matter what the position, if your customers know you are there, they cannot help but find you such is the way the fair is laid out. Kiddy will definitely be re-booking a stand next year.

“We were also pleasantly surprised by the level of take up for the Baby and Nursery Trade Awards (BANTA) and from the positive comments received believe they added real value to the show. It also added an element of Kudos to the Harrogate Nursery Fair Party night which not only sold out, but had a waiting list of people desperate to attend. There was certainly a very sociable atmosphere this year and we are delighted that so many exhibitors and visitors were able to join us for drinks and snacks at the Majestic on Monday evening – the dance floor was literally packed and a great time had by all.

“Exciting developments are underway for next year and due to the number of requests from exhibitors for larger stands, we are considering moving into brand new spacious halls in the Harrogate International Centre. As the show was completely sold out this year many existing exhibitors have already expressed interest to retain their space for 2012. The usual booking arrangements will be maintained and forms will be sent out in a few weeks time at the beginning of May.”                                                                                   

Don’t forget to put next year’s show firmly in your diary –

Harrogate Nursery Fair 2012

25-27th March 2012

See all BPA News

Harrogate International Nursery Fair
Department for International Trade