This site is designed to inform and promote the safe use of baby, nursery and childcare products to consumers and the industry in general.
More about the BPA...Harrogate International Nursery Fair has announced that the trade show – which was due to take place at the Harrogate Convention Centre from 29th to 31st March 2020 – has been postponed until June. The show’s organisers have been following government guidelines and advice relating to the Coronavirus epidemic closely; and together with key stakeholders have unanimously decided that it is not in the best interests of participants for the event to go ahead.
The new show date for Harrogate International Nursery Fair is 14th to 16th June 2020.
Robert Anslow, managing director, explained: “The seriousness of coronavirus is unprecedented and whilst the government has not yet taken measures to ban large scale events in the UK; we believe that the risks associated with going ahead with the show are too great. We are concerned with the health and well-being of everyone involved and will therefore postpone the event until June.”
Adrian Sneyd, show organiser, adds: “Obviously, postponing Harrogate has been a major decision, but we have fortunately managed to secure a space at the Harrogate Convention Centre for the show to move to June. We hope that by this time, the epidemic will be under control and business will once again be able to continue as usual.
The show in June will replicate the planned March event – including the Party Night – and more details of this will be available as soon as possible.
Please refer to the website at for updates and news – we will strive to keep everyone in the industry informed of all developments as and when they happen. In the meantime, our thoughts are with those affected by the virus and we wish them a safe and speedy recovery.