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Booster seats - the facts
Across all types of media today the amendment to UN/ECE Regulation 44 is being highlighted and sadly a great many of these articles are incorrect. The Baby Products Association released a statement to the trade in November 2016 and again more recently but are now circulating the following information in a more simplified form aimed at consumers:
- The amendment to the Regulation that deals with car seats and booster seats does not affect parents when buying or using any existing or new booster seat, irrespective of whether it is backless or high backed, provided it bears the R44.04 approval label.
- This amendment does not require parents to replace their existing booster seat whether backless or high backed and there is no action required by the consumer to comply with this change to the booster seat legislation other than to ensure that the child rides on a booster seat on every journey.
- This new amendment really only affects manufacturers of newly designed or invented booster seats who will be required to gain safety approval (type approval) before they can sell the new product.
- Parents can continue to use backless booster seats after ths introduction (anticipated to be 1st March 2017) as long as the seat is approved to Regulation 44, which all booster seats must be approved to in order to be legally sold at retail in the UK.
- These changes do not ban backless booster seats as they continue to meet the regulatory requirements for safety.
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