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Last chance to enter your innovative idea to the BPA’s awards


Last chance to enter your innovative idea to the BPA’s awards

Budding designers with inspirational new baby product ideas have just over two weeks to submit their entries to the Baby Products Association’s Concept & Innovation Award as the deadline is 12noon on 5th January 2016.

The Awards, which are sponsored by law firm 3volution, are open to anyone from parents who have discovered a gap in the market, companies with a new product launch; to students and designers. The only rule is that the product must not be offered for sale prior to Harrogate International Nursery Fair in March 2016.

There are two awards to enter; Concept, which is a product idea still in its visionary phase and the entry might consist of just drawings; and Innovation which is a product idea that has reached prototype stage but is not yet on the market.

After the deadline 10 shortlisted entrants will be invited to London in early February to present their product ideas to a panel of expert judges. From these four finalists will be chosen (two Concept and two Innovation) and these will be invited to exhibit their entries to the industry at Harrogate International Nursery Fair. The winners will be announced at a prestigious Awards Dinner on Sunday 20th March 2016.

This year 3volution is providing two fabulous prizes of £750 worth of legal services to each of the winners.

For more information and to download an entry form CLICK HERE.

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Harrogate International Nursery Fair
Department for International Trade