Our members include...
Apramo UK Ltd My Carry Potty Silver Cross UK Ltd Jigsaw Brand Consultancy Ltd Turner Bianca PLC Nuby UK FIRA International Ltd Mamas and Papas Ltd Kaleidoscope Communications High Street Textile Testing Services ebebek UK Retail Services Ltd Prestige Sleep BubbleBum (UK) Ltd BabyStyle UK Ltd Chicco UK Dorel UK Hippychick Ltd Columbus Trading Partners SHNUGGLE LTD Cheeky Rascals Ltd David Lowe & Co Ltd BRITISH BABY BOX Casa Tomara Ltd Mayborn Group Gaia Baby 2012 Ltd Angelcare Corporate UK Ltd SGS United Kingdom Ltd CuddleCo Eve Sleep PLC Thule Cosatto Ltd Roma Baby Jogger East Coast Nursery Ltd Britax Römer Europe
BPA Handbook

The BPA's Handbook is now only available online and is the definitive reference guide for retailers including a 'who's who' directory of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors of nursery products in the UK.

The directory is a key resource that buyers refer to when making purchasing decisions and also has a  Business to Business section where manufacturers can source components, moulding, textile products and services. The Handbook also includes editorial on relevant safety standards for the industry including all professional UK, European and International standards.

The Baby Products Association's online handbook is a useful resource for the nursery industry, with a list of contacts that are essential to your business.
Harrogate International Nursery Fair
Department for International Trade